Carmen Lehr

Independent non-executive Director

Areas of expertise

Management Companies / AIFM / regulated funds
Governance / Control Frameworks /Corporate Structures
Compliance / Internal Audit
Business development / Set-up of Entities / Cross-border / Distribution & Business Oversight / Due Diligence
Fee structures / Finance & Controlling

O +352 26 20 22 81 88
M +49 151 2659 2579

Carmen is an Independent Director with 20+ years of business track record and experience in financial services with a focus on asset management in Europe. Since 2007 she has held senior management positions in various functions within the asset management industry. She has served as Managing Director of an international asset management company and has been member of the Board of Directors of a Luxembourg Super ManCo and a Luxembourg investment fund structure. Carmen has profound knowledge of regulatory requirements and multicultural management capabilities. She is a professional with entrepreneurial spirit, integer, analytical with a structured and targeted approach and a clear customer focus.

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